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What are the arguments against a water softening system?

A water softening system is often touted as a necessity for households – but is a softening system even worth it and do you really need one?

What about the high costs of purchasing and how dangerous is softened water?
Here you can find out everything about our calculation example for the softening system.

In this article, we'll go over these arguments. But we will also show you the many advantages of a softening system.

Water softening system – yes or no?

Do you have limescale in the water? A water softener, a soft water system or a softening system, as it is also called, is a device that can be used to remove limescale from the water.

Hard water contains a high proportion of calcium and magnesium ions, which is converted into calcium carbonate (lime).

This causes, for example, limescale stains on taps, limescale deposits in the washing machine and kettle, but also scale in heating pipes, which can have a major impact on the service life of household appliances, but also on energy costs.

A water softener is therefore usually very useful for households with a high lime content. It is installed directly at the house's own water connection in order to effectively protect the whole house from limescale.

At what point is water hard? What does hard water mean?

In Germany, hard (very calcareous) water is spoken of from a hardness level of 14 °dH (degree of German hardness). In France and Switzerland, the hardness of the water is given in °fh.

However, the subdivisions of the degrees of hardness vary from country to country. There are four areas in Germany. Soft, medium, hard and very hard.

You can find out how hard your water is from the local water supplier or on the Internet. With a titration solution, you can also test the water yourself for your own and exact water hardness level in the shortest possible time.

Disadvantages of water softening systems?

Of course, there are also disadvantages of a water softening system. For example, they can be expensive to purchase and maintain, have outdated technology and are therefore not particularly economical.

But all you have to do here is find the right manufacturer, where price and performance, but also the product quality fit.

The AS-EVO from AQUASAFE offers you the best product quality and modern technology at an absolutely fair price. "This is certainly just a bait offer, and the follow-up costs are then all the more expensive!" Wrong, not with AQUASAFE!

We have created a detailed calculation example for you, which you can use to view and estimate all costs at a glance. Here with us you will find everything, but no hidden costs.

Would you like to take a closer look at the AS-EVO? Click here and discover the product page of our AQUASAFE softening system.

If you have any questions about the product, please contact our customer service. We are looking forward to it.

Is softened water harmful?

The most important question in advance. Is soft, lime-free water harmful? Limescale in water is generally not harmful to health and, according to experts, is also not responsible for calcification of the arteries.

So why should there suddenly be a danger from removing limescale?

If there were filter methods that would be harmful, they would of course not be permitted. Especially not in Germany.

Nevertheless, it is important to have the right settings on the products in order to minimise and regulate the proportion of foreign substances in the water.

What is meant by foreign substances?

In the ion exchange process, the sodium content in the water is raised with the help of evaporated salt.

This is necessary to remove the calcium patterns magnesium and calcium from the water.

To ensure that the proportion of sodium and thus the salt content in the water does not increase too much, appropriate settings are made in advance by the specialist on the softening system.

There is therefore no reason for uncertainty. On the contrary, it is a completely normal basic attitude.

With the right and modern softening system, none of this is a problem. The AS-EVO from AQUASAFE even has an integrated germ protection to prevent possible germs.

For an all-round feeling of safety and the best water quality throughout the house. Soft water for your daily needs. All you have to do is enjoy the benefits.

What role do salt tablets play in the descaling system?

In the ion exchange process, the calcium and magnesium lime patterns are replaced by sodium. This will soften the water after softening.

During the regeneration phase of the plant, the salt tablets ensure that the sodium balance is replenished so that new water can be produced again.

However, it must be noted that the limit value for sodium in drinking water in Germany, of 200mg per litre, is not exceeded.

But there is no need to worry at all, because all you need is simple adjustments to the system to be able to enjoy water without hesitation.

A residual hardness must generally be set for each product commissioning. Usually, this residual hardness is between 3 and 6°dH.

However, in the case of a particularly high degree of hardness, the residual hardness must be set somewhat higher in order not to exceed the limit value for sodium.

Calculation example residual hardness and sodium value

Natrium pro Liter - Grenzwert für Trinkwasser
Sodium per litre - limit value for drinking water

The calculation is done using a formula to determine the sodium value.

  1. Current degree of hardness – desired hardness = hardness to be removed
  2. Hardness to be removed x 8.2 mg/L (sodium value by softening)
    = (sodium content in mg/L in water)

Example: My water hardness is 20°dH. I would like to have a desired hardness of 5°dH. Thus, 15°dH must be removed.

Now calculate the 15°dH x 8.2 (this is the value of sodium supplied by the softening) and get the sodium content in mg/L for the water.

In this case, the value is 123mg/L and thus far below the limit of 200mg/L. However, if the water hardness is 30°dH and I would like to achieve 5°dH as the initial hardness.

This gives us a sodium value of 205 mg/L and is therefore above the limit value. Therefore, it is recommended to correct the residual hardness slightly upwards here.

How do I know if I'm doing something wrong at this point? Don't worry, the installer or plumbing specialist of your softening system will take care of these settings for you anyway.

Here you can rely on the competence of the specialist, because he knows which settings to make.

The softening systems from AQUASAFE have an integrated ECO mode. The modern system can save 30% of salt and water per year.

The system thus has a very low salt and water consumption in the regeneration phase. Only what is needed is used. This saves and protects the environment.

Limescale free thanks to ion exchanger

Softening systems that use the effective ion exchanger process convert hard water into soft water. After that, lime-free water, with an ideal water hardness, is available in the entire pipeline system and prevents calcification and deposits there.

The service life of many household appliances, pipes and pipes is thus positively influenced. We have also compiled the advantages and disadvantages for you in a short video. Feel free to watch our video - limescale is your energy guzzler in the house.

Are important minerals in water lost due to water softening?

Gesund - ausgewogen - nahrhaft
Healthy - balanced - nutritious

In the ion exchange process, the calcium and magnesium ions from the water are exchanged by sodium ions.

However, these ingredients are not elementary for a balanced diet.

At this point, it is more effective to eat a yoghurt or banana to cover the daily requirement of important nutrients, such as magnesium and calcium.

This is also much faster. Otherwise, we would have to drink large amounts of water every day to absorb the same amount of ingredients.

For whom is a softening system worthwhile?

A softening system is worthwhile for anyone who wants to add value to their drinking water.

With a system against limescale, calcification is prevented and pure and lime-free tap water flows through the water pipes throughout the house.

Limescale is removed from the drinking water supplied directly from the house's own water connection and thus becomes significantly softer.

With positive consequences in terms of costs, time and energy for you and your family home. The use of a water softening system brings you back your quality of life.

Expensive acquisition costs for softening systems

At this point, each provider chooses its own prices. There are clear price differences on the market here. Expensive is not always good.

Maybe it's just the wrong product that isn't designed for your needs?

What should quality of life cost?  One thing is clear, it doesn't have to cost a fortune. AQUASAFE has the modern and very economical AS-EVO softening system in its range, which leaves absolutely nothing to be desired and offers a fair price-performance ratio.

Really good doesn't have to be expensive.

And if the acquisition costs are amortized within a few years, the decision should actually have already been made in favor of a water softening system.

Not? Would you like to know what a softening system with all the trimmings costs?

Is a water softening system right for me?

AS-EVO Wasserenthärtungsanlage
AS-EVO Water Softening System

Basically, it can be said that it is always useful when the quality of life suffers from limescale in the house. Because it is not only visually disturbing, it also causes problems and high costs.

More repairs for defective household appliances, frequent descaling, cleaning of fittings and tiles, etc. A water softener simply makes water softer and more user-friendly.

Less energy costs, long-term protection of the piping system in the house and many other advantages.

CONCLUSION - It depends on the softening systems

The decision whether or not to use a water softening system is, of course, a personal decision. However, the advantages of lime-free water usually outweigh the costs of a softening system.

And these costs pay for themselves within just a few years. Consider the many savings in energy consumption and the extensive limescale protection for the entire property.

When buying a water softening system, you should definitely pay attention to a modern and economical system to ensure both the reduced use of salt and efficient functioning.By the way: in addition to the economical ECO mode, the AS-EVO also has integrated overflow protection and additional germ protection. The ultimate solution to limescale in your home.

What about the high acquisition costs?

A water softening system does not have to be expensive if you choose the right partner.

With the AS-EVO, you choose the modern softening system with many fully automatic features and the best price-performance ratio directly from the manufacturer.

With over 20 years of experience, AQUASAFE is at your side as a competent partner for the best water quality. Always, gladly and professionally.

source article : What are the arguments against a water softening system? (

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